Abrasive blasting (sometimes known as sandblasting) is a process used by various industries, including automotive, construction, shipbuilding and welding, to name just a few.

It involves propelling abrasive media against a surface – either to add texture to a smooth surface, make a rough surface smooth, remove surface contaminants, such as paint or rust, or to clean and prepare a surface for a fresh new coating.

However, much like anything else, abrasive blasting equipment needs to be properly maintained if it’s to perform well. Otherwise, operations will be put on hold until replacement parts arrive or an engineer can come and fix it.

Below, the experts at SFEG outline exactly which components need to be maintained regularly to ensure optimal efficiency and performance.

· Blast cabinet

It’s good to get into the habit of inspecting your blast cabinet routinely.

Before you begin, check your gloves don’t have holes or tears in them. If they do, swap them for a new pair to ensure your hands are protected at all times.

It’s worth taking a closer look at the gaskets on the door safety switch as well. These can easily become worn and won’t seal the switch as they should.

Keep an eye out for early signs of window frosting, too, and use replaceable window protectors and rubber curtains. These will extend the lifespan of your window – reducing the need for a replacement and preventing cabinet wear and tear.

· Blast nozzle

Blast nozzles will eventually wear out, causing the nozzle opening to widen.

When this happens, it affects production speed and abrasive consumption, so it will need replacing.

The rate at which your nozzle wears can vary depending on how often you use it and the type of abrasive you use.

For example, a nozzle that’s used repeatedly – day in, day out – is likely to need replacing sooner than one that’s used for occasional jobs only. Likewise, harsher materials, such as aluminium oxide, will cause your nozzle to wear out faster than softer abrasives (i.e. plastic or glass beads).

· Blast hose

Wear and tear is inevitable when abrasive is repeatedly run through a hose.

If your blast hose were to break during operation, it not only poses a serious health and safety hazard but it’s also incredibly messy and noisy.

Check regularly for soft spots, particularly where it bends, and try squeezing the hose. If the wall is wearing thin, it’ll depress easily.

As soon as you notice any holes or signs of damage, you’ll need to replace the hose.

· Dust collector

The dust collector is one of the most crucial components of a sandblasting machine – designed to store and hold expendable abrasives and materials that have been removed from the surface.

With that in mind, you need to take the time to check the dust bags for any rips and ensure the cartridges aren’t clogged. If they are, they’ll need to be replaced.

Depending on the type of surface you’re cleaning and how dirty it is, you may be required to clean the filter every 15 minutes. And don’t forget to empty the dust collector, preferably at the end of each day.

We recommend inspecting the media reclaim system, too. This is used to collect and recycle reusable abrasives, such as steel grit, aluminium oxide, glass beads and steel shots. Look out for holes and signs of wear in the reclaimer and leaks in the hoses that enter and exit the system.

· Abrasive blast pot

Maintaining blast pots daily can help to prevent leaks and various other issues from occurring.

Key things to check include the gaskets, valves and fittings. Keeping a few spare parts handy will allow you to replace them and minimise downtime if they leak or become rusted or corroded.

After every blasting job, empty the blast media from the blast pot. This will prevent moisture from causing the abrasive media to build up inside, allowing you to use it for future projects.

Want to know more?

If you’d like further tips on how to maintain your abrasive blasting equipment, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at SFEG.

We’re always on hand to help and will happily share our expertise.

Alternatively, if you need blast pot accessories or spare parts, we can advise you on the most suitable ones for your application and budget. Simply give us a call on 0161 480 8087.